
Architecture • Landscape • Design


Lucia Pierro, co-founder of AutonomeForme, is among the speakers of the meeting “Diritto alle Città” curated by Daniele Menechini and Michela Passalacqua and organized by the University of Pisa and Comunità Resilienti as part of the Special Projects of the Italian Pavilion curated by Alessandro Melis for the XVII Venice Biennale.
The meeting will be held on 3 June 2021 from 11.00 to 14.00 and it is possible to follow the live broadcast on the FB page of the Italian Pavilion by connecting to this link




IMPORTANZA CONCORSI_n On May 26, 2021 from 17.30 to 19.30 Lucia Pierro, co-founder of AutonomeForme, will participate in the meeting “L’importanza del progetto: i Concorsi” organized by the Order of Architects PPC of the Province of Palermo. The meeting compares the experience of three Sicilian architectural offices to discuss about ethical aspects and quality of architecture.
The appointment is on May 26, 2021 from 17.30 to 19.30 on the Go To webinar platform
For more information go to the link




On Sunday, May 23rd, starting from 17 pm Lucia Pierro, as founders of AutonomeForme, will talk during the panel “Architette di Resilienza”.
This meeting is organized by Marialuisa Palumbo and Rebel Architette in the context of the opening of the Italian Pavilion curated by Alessandro Melis, at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition Biennale di Venezia titled “How will we live together?”.
The panel will bring together several female voices, the panel will call attention to the role of women in shaping the future of Architecture and to the role of a feminist approach to undo the very logic of borders and binary epistemologies.
The panel will be visible also on Resilient Communities‘ FB and YouTube platforms.For more informations visit this link




AutonomeForme with Lucia Pierro is part of the exhibition “DETOXING ARCHITECTURE FROM INEQUALITIES: A PLURAL ACT” curated by RebelArchitette inside the Italian Pavilion of the 17th International Architecture Exhibition Biennale di Venezia titled “How will we live together?”.
This exhibition collects the architectural work of 137 italian woman and is proposed by RebelArchitette is a hymn to respect, justice and the need for diversification in the landscape of the interpreters of architecture, both female and male, in Italy and all over the world.
The exhibition “DETOXING ARCHITECTURE FROM INEQUALITIES: A PLURAL ACT” set up is designed on three interchangeable supports to allow access to an augmented experience in potential evolution.
A web platform showcasing a multitude of italian female architects to be discovered starting from May 20 2021: official day of the launch. A digital version of the installation with interactive features to explore new design worlds. A short video including 137 portraits and projects bound to become indispensable.Enjoy, play & SHARE!The panel will be visible also on Resilient Communities‘ FB and YouTube platforms.

For more informations visit this link




On Sunday, May 23rd, 10 am-12 am Marco Scarpinato, as founder of Deserti•Tascabili, with Lucia Pierro, as founders of AutonomeForme, will talk during the panel “Europe, a Resilient Community? Critical Practices across the Mediterranean Border”.
This panel is organized by Marialuisa Palumbo in the context of the opening of the Italian Pavilion (curated by Alessandro Melis), at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition Biennale di Venezia titled “How will we live together?”, the panel will bring together scholars, activists, and architects to expose the paradoxes of the militarization of the southern border of the European Community and to consider alternative practices and design strategies for a resilient future.
The panel will be visible also on Resilient Communities‘ FB and YouTube platforms.For more informations visit this link




AutonomeForme with the project “Deserti tascabili” is invited to partecipate at the collective project Fabbricare Fiducia_Architettura launched by CityVision Mag.
For more information visit the link



65521045_2243187175735417_8968475593377054720_n AutonomeForme.Architecture is curator of the pavillon dedicated to the city of Tunis hosted at Palazzo Cafisi within Countless Cities, the first Biennial of the Cities of the World conceived by Farm Cultural Park which is held in Favara from 29 June to 27 October 2019.
Grand Tunis. Cities Stratification: The Heterotopic Vision of a City * Médina de Tunis * Sidi Bou Said
is the pavilion curated by AutonomeForme.Architecture and interprets the urban identity of Tunis through the relationship between the Medina and its landscape and proposes a project for the enhancement of Sidi Bou Said  with the galleries and residences for artists built next to the new park of Sidi Bou Said, a central element in the area’s environmental enhancement strategy that allows the activation of a path of responsibility and involvement of the inhabitants. The park enhances the heterotopy of Sidi Bou Said through fragments, walkways and gaze devices that open onto multiple landscapes, multiplying the possibility of creating new images.
Grand Tunis. Cities Stratification: The Heterotopic Vision of a City * Médina de Tunis * Sidi Bou Said
is a project by Marco Scarpinato with the collaboration of: Lucia Pierro / AutonomeForme.Architettura • Fanny Bouquerel / Université Paris 8, Laboratoire CRESSPA – Labtop • Fatma Zohra Sakka / E.N.A.U. de Tunis – E.D.S.I.A.

For more informations about Countless Cities 2019 visit the link



Schermata 2021-06-16 alle 19.44.52 AutonomeForme.Architettura participates in the Round Table “Interior Landscape” organized as part of the ninth edition of “Architects meet in Selinunte” which will be held from 13 to 16 June at the Selinunte Archaeological Park.
AutonomeForme’s work is exhibited in the Exhibition PROJECTS STESI: CITTÀ ITALIA, CITTÀ SICILIA organized as part of the event.
More info on the event program at the link



Poster_Compilabile_Ordini AutonomeForme will take part at the national event “Open! Architects open their studios to the public” organized by the Order of Architects of Palermo.
The EXHIBITION will be open on 24-25 May in the following time slots: 9.00-13.00 and from 15.00-20.00 at the Real Cantina Borbonica in via Principe Umberto 312 in Partinico (Palermo).
On the 25th at 6.30 pm there will also be the ROUND TABLE: “How does architecture influence the transformations of the territory?”
More information at the link



Living The Desert The AutonomeForme’s project “Pocket Deserts | DJ Complex # 2″ has been published in the new and splendid book “Living in the desert”, published by Phaidon (New York) !!!
The book is distributed all over the world and from 21 November 2018 it can finally be purchased in bookstores and bookshops in the main Italian museums.
It is a careful selection of 40 projects located in the deserts of various parts of the world which, confronting extreme environmental conditions, offer sustainable answers and resilient landscapes. The splendid photographic images propose a journey into contemporary creativity and show the great beauty of the encounter between architecture and nature.
For more information visit the link



safe_image The AutonomeForme‘s project “Pocket Deserts DJ Complex” has just been published in the ARTSY magazine in New York in a dense article dedicated to living in the desert .
For more information visit the link



COPERTINA AutonomeForme is among the guests at the lecture that will be plase on 29 July on the occasion of the project  VOYAGE A PALERMO [Landscape as a theme of confrontation and dialogue between architecture, art and science] organized in the splendid Villa Malfitano in Palermo by InArch Sicilia in collaboration with Whitaker Foundation with the patronage of the Order of Architects and PPC of Palermo and the Academy of Fine Arts of Palermo.
Appointment on 29 July at 4.00 pm at Villa Malfitano in Palermo in via Dante Alighieri.
For more information visit the link




Selinunte A selection of AutonomeForme‘s projects is exhibited in the “Progetti Stesi” exhibition set up during the eighth edition of the international meeting “Architects meet in Selinunte” organized by AIACC. The exhibition is set up inside the Archaeological Park of Selinunte from 21 to 23 June 2018.



A selection of the work of AutonomeForme is on show at the headquarters of the Order of Architects PPC of the Province of Palermo as part of the collective exhibition “Architettura 2013-2017“.The exhibition will be inaugurated on April 20th and can be visited until May 4th 2018



On 1 December 2017, AutonomeForme held the workshop “Playscapes | landscape cards” with the children and guys of SOU. SOU is the innovative School of Architecture for Children that is activated within Farm Cultural Park under the patronage of the Politecnico di Milano.

For more information visit the link


01-12-2017>> AUTONOMEFORME: LECTURE Co – Dividuality #7 | FARM CULTURAL PARK

The AutonomeForme team will talk about its projects during the talk “Co – Dividuality # 7“.
The series of conferences entitled “Co-Dividuality” is organized by Cityvision, FARM CULTURAL PARK and Sou, in collaboration with the Order of Architects Agrigento and with the sponsorship of the Milan Polytechnic.
The title of the  talk of AutonomeForme is “Architecture for new landscapes” and will be held on December 1, 2017 at 6:30 pm at the Favara Farm Cultural Park
For more information visit the link



The AutonomeForme team will talk about its “Resilient Landscapes” projects in the national conference “The ecology of urban landscapes – values, risks and adaptation in the age of the Anthropocene.” The experience of AutonomeForme will be illustrated in the course of the “Session 3 – Deepening – Challenges and solutions adopted: comparing experiences” to be held on November 10th from 2.00 pm to 5.30 pm at the Botanical Garden of Palermo.
The congress is organized by the SIEP – Italian Society of Landscape Ecology and will be held on November 9th and 10th at the Botanical Garden of Palermo.
For more information visit the link


20-06-2017>> AutonomeForme is published on Now>Next

NowNext-AF-site Designed by AutonomeForme | Marco Scarpinato and Lucia Pierro with Fatma Sakka “Paysages Résilients : SaMoLab. Zone / Territoire /Paysages” is a masterplan for the enhancement of the Saline of Monastir. The proposal is based on the realization of a natural and anthropic park surrounding the salt pans with three new centrality that, respecting the quality of this extraordinary site, serve as an engine for socio-economic reactivation of the area: the Research Center for the protection and enhancement of biodiversity in the Mediterranean, the Complex of residences and services for researchers and the new Technical School of Biology. The project “Paysages Résilients : SaMoLab. Zone / Territoire /Paysages” is published on the new book Now>Next (Editors: Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi, Gian Maria Casadei, Federica Marchetti and Maria Michela Pani | Publisher LetteraVentidue).
For more information visit the link



19511338_1375972672456876_6535789045531599323_n AutonomeForme | Marco Scarpinato and Lucia Pierro will take part at the meeting Architects Meet in Selinunte with a speach focussed on the reuse of the existing buildings. The manifestation will be in the Archeological Park of Selinunte from 29 june to 1 july and is organized by AIAC and PresS/tfactory.


26-04-2017>> CONNECTINGCITY | Mediterranean Landscapes and Urban Lab in Mazara del Vallo

18447003_1941013336144558_1192627388268635784_n Starting from April 26, begins ConnectingCity | Mediterranean Landscapes and UrbanLab, a project created by AutonomeForme and developed in partnership with the Municipality of Mazara del Vallo with the associations OliverLab and Amunì/Paris.
ConnectingCity | Mediterranean Landscapes and UrbanLab is an itinerant lab of landscape and architecture that aims to identify and connect the many identities of Mazara del Vallo, a city in the middle of the Mediterranean where cross stories and cultures, landscapes and architecture. The program of the project includes workshops, meetings, exhibitions and workshops that will involve several different age groups.
For more information visit the link


18-02-2017>> CHANGING ARCHITECTURE / Palermo

16825889_1246695162051295_2766517835838940788_o The projects of AutonomeForme are exhibited in Palermo in the central Piazza Politeama from 18 February to 1 March 2017 during the architectural exhibition CHANGING ARCHITECTURE | Landscapes and Cities / The Value of Architecture that is organized in the occasion of the 90 years of the Ordine degli Architetti di Palermo. The first step of this exhibition toke place in Ragusa in the occasion of the VI Congresso Regionale della Consulta Architetti PPC di Sicilia and starting from this new step will be a travelling exhibition with other steps in several sicilian cities.
For more informations visit this link



Fahre AutonomeForme is among the architects called for a reflection on how to rebuild after the earthquake during the broadcast of Fahrenheit, the radiophonic program of Rai3, focussed on rebuilding. This is the link to listen to the episode with the contributions of Vittorio Emiliani, Lucia Pierro / AutonomeForme and Franceco Doglioni.



15068360_1156711907716288_5829948119408674353_o From 10 to 12 November 2016 AutonomeForme participates at the Inclusive Design Weekend organized in the Botanical Garden of Padua to compare architects, pedagogues, designers and teachers on School Design and Universal Design topics and discuss the inseparable relationship between the architectural and pedagogical project.
The Inclusive Design Weekend is organized by the Università di Padova in collaboration with: Ordine degli Architetti di Padova, ANCE and Ufficio Scolastico Regionale del Veneto.
For more information visit the link



15002369_1156731254381020_9152067527701745580_o The projects of AutonomeForme are exhibited at Ponte Nuovo in Ragusa from 28 October to 13 November 2016 during the architectural exhibition CHANGING ARCHITECTURE | Landscapes and Cities / The Value of Architecture. This exhibition is organized in the occasion of the VI Congresso Regionale della Consulta Architetti PPC di Sicilia with the Consiglio Nazionale degli Architetti Paesaggisti e Conservatori.



newlocandina2spnsor Marco Scarpinato | AutonomeForme is invited as tutor of the international workshop of architecture and design “Air Place Visioning”. The workshop is focussed on the design and reuse of the airport of Comiso with its a dismissed Base NATO. Today, only a small portion of the airport compound is utilised. Indeed, apart from the airport terminal and a small number of adjacent buildings, most of the built environment is abandoned and without a use. NATO erected two residential areas complete with all services. Indeed, the ‘town’ was complete with theatres, sports halls, churches, sports pitches, shops etc. all of which was connected via the internal road network and landscaped areas which are now abandoned. The international workshop “Air Place Visioning” take place in Comiso from 25 to 30 october and is organized by Comune di Comiso, SOACO and Ordine degli Architetti della Provincia di Ragusa.
For more information visit the link



locandina-workshop-bb AutonomeForme | Marco Scarpinato and Lucia Pierro are invited to take part at the International Workshop Kaira Looro in order to elaborate an architectural project for the communities of Senegal.
Kaira Looro is an international design workshop that aims to support a humanitarian project in Senegal. The proposals developed during the workshop will be the subject of a public exhibition and will be donated to the community of Casamance in Senegal.
The workshop Kaira Looro is organized by the international nonprofit organization Balouo Salo, in collaboration with IN/Arch Sicily and the course of Architecture and Architectural Composition II of the DICAR of the University of Catania, together with the Embassy of the Republic of Senegal in Italy and Chamber of Commerce and the Sedhiou Government – Senegal. The aim of the event is to develop architectural projects based on sustainable self-construction principles , dedicated to meeting the humanitarian needs through experimentation and design methodologies aimed at the development of the territory and of the local economies of Sedhiou Region.
The workshop will take place at the headquarters of the Città della Scienza in Catania from 4 to 11 september.For more information visit the link 



header-facebook-Recuperato The project “Resilient Landscapes” designed by AutonomeForme and winner of the Green Good Design Award 2016 is on exhibition at the Contemporary Space Athens of The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies.

The Green Good Design 2016 award is organized by the European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies and the Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design. The guidelines of the project, entirely developed in Italy, have been de ned through a participatory process starting from the inhabitants instances. Acknowledged for its technical solutions and its design, the project is now part of the permanent collection of Ευρωπαϊκό κέντρο Athens.
The opening of the exhibition in Athens will take place Thursday, June 23 at 8:30 am at the Contemporary Space Athens. The exhibition will be open every day until 10 August 2016.

The adress of the exhibition is Space Athens The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies Μητροπόλεως 74, 10563, Πλάκα, Αθήνα




AutonomeForme | Marco Scarpinato and Lucia Pierro won the Green Good Design 2016 with Resilient Landscape, a project based on the use of natural processes to reclaim contaminated areas respecting the natural cycle of water on the site, making it an innovative project, and fostering at the same time environmental and social sustainability.

The Green Good Design 2016 award is organized by the European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies and the Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design. The guidelines of the project, entirely developed in Italy, have been de ned through a participatory process starting from the inhabitants instances. Acknowledged for its technical solutions and its design, the project is now part of the permanent collection of Ευρωπαϊκό κέντρο Athens.

Over a thousand applications from all over the world took part in the selection for this important Prize. Resilient Landscape has been selected as the best European project and one of the best projects in the world, winning the Green Good Design Award 2016 | Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture together with projects for the cities of Boston, Philadelphia, Mexico City, Nanjing and Xingcheng.

This award is an important recognition for the quality of design in the world; in 2014, the prize was awarded to Alessandro Mendini, and, in 2015, to Olafur Eliasson.





AutonomeForme | Marco Scarpinato and Lucia Pierro will take part at the meeting Architects meet in Selinunte that will be  organized at the Archeological park of Selinunte by the AIAC.




13501654_1045152008872279_1954000330372453748_n AutonomeForme | Marco Scarpinato and Lucia Pierro will talk about “Schools to build communities” (“Scuole per costruire comunità”) within the seminar “Innovative Schools. Reflections on an Opportunity”  (“Scuola Innovativa. Riflessioni su un’opportunità”) that will take place the day 25 june in Acireale.



RoRo-su OpenHouseRoma The integrated school complex with gym and auditorium, designed in Rome by Marco Scarpinato and Herman Hertzberger with AutonomeForme‘s collaboration is one of the architectures that will be open during the event Open House Roma to be held on 7 and 8 May 2016.Open House Roma is an annual event that in just one weekend opens hundreds of buildings in Rome that are the considerable for their architectural peculiarities – art and that, unlike similar initiatives, pays special attention not only to the historical heritage, also and especially to modern and contemporary for showing the face of the changing city.

For more informations visit the link




IFLA-2016-imagecredits-ifla2016.com_-832x950 AutonomeForme | Marco Scarpinato and Lucia Pierro were invited to the 53rd World Congress “IFLA 2016″ | “Tasting the Landscape” to present their work “Resilient Landscapes”: strategies and LandscapeDesign projects developed for the regeneration of the Disused Industrial Areas and of the Zones Temporarily Abandoned located in Turin, Venice, Rome, Naples, SalineJoniche, Messina, Catania and Palermo.
Tasting the Landscape, the title chosen for the 53rd International IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects) Congress, calls for the interpretation of the landscape project as an expression of a greater consciousness of the transformation processes and as an opportunity to improve the places where populations carry out their life.
AutonomeForme will hold the extended speech “Resilient Landscapes” on April 22 at the Centro Congressi Lingotto in Torino.
You can see more informations about the 53rd World Congress “IFLA 2016″ | “Tasting the Landscape” on this link 



archipendium2016 The project of Palazzo Greco developped by AutonomeForme is published on Archipendium 2016.

Archipendium is a unique compilation of contemporary architectural culture in a compact format; in this issue there are also projects developped by architectural offices as Bolles+Wilson, Cobe, Henning Larsen Architects, MVRDV and several others.

You can see more informations about this project on this link

You can see more informations about this new issue on this link 


06.10.2015>> DJ COMPLEX ON MYRRA

Myrra The project of DJ Complex developped by AutonomeForme is published on the issue n. 2 of Myrra. Il dono del Sud.You can see more informations about this new issue on this link 



ArchiPA-SiRaccontano copia AutonomeForme is invited to talk about its projects during the cycle of conferences “Gli architetti palermitani si raccontano” organized by the APPCA – Ordine Architetti Pianificatori Paesaggisti e Conservatori della Provincia di Palermo.
The meeting will take place on 24 september 2015 starting from 15.30 in the Salon of the conferences of the APPCA.



AbitareMed The project  DJ Complex in Djerba, designed by the architectural office AutonomeForme (Marco Scarpinato with the collaboration of Lucia Pierro) is published on the new issue of the architectural magazine Abitare totally focussed on the Mediterranean.The new number of Abitare is on sale from 10 July with 160 pages of stories, projects, ideas and visions on the Mediterranean as theater of the great phenomena of transformation that are taking place on its banks. The Mediterranean is in fact a place where the economic crisis and the politic problems coexist with interesting signs of revival and development.

You can see more informations about this new issue on this link


1-5.07.2015>> STRATIFY | Designing the Urban Contemporaneity / WORKSHOP IN AMSTERDAM

Stampa Stratify | Designing the Urban Contemporaneity is a workshop of architecture and urban design organized by AutonomeForme that will be held in Amsterdam 1- 5 July 2015.The project area of the workshop is located between the Central Station and Funenpark. Some of the most interesting contemporary architecture pieces of Amsterdam are situated along the railways, such as the interventions by Jo Coenen, Herman Hertzberger, 3xN, Rem Koolhaas/OMA, Renzo Piano, Ben van Berkel/UNStudio, René van Zuuk, Koen van Velsen, West 8, Hans Kollhoff, Erick van Egeraat, Delugan Meissl architects, MVRDV, Benthem Crouwel Architects, Powerhouse Company and many others.

In the area identified for the workshop, the railway line determines processes of deformation and rotation of urban components, making it a true architectural challenge to design new projects. Taking this feature into account, the objective of the workshop is to define what could be called an Anti-Project: in other words, it aims at designing a new Landscape Building located next to the railway tracks.

The workshop Stratify | Designing the Urban Contemporaneity will be conducted by Marco Scarpinato | AutonomeForme with the collaboration of Lucia Pierro and Zakaria Haouari. Stratify | Designing the Urban Contemporaneity is open to students, architects, town planners and all those who are interested in thinking about the contemporary city.

23.06.2015 >> DJ Complex is published in Edilizia e Territorio

Djerba The project  DJ Complex is published the Newspaper “Edilizia e Territorio“.You can read the digital version of the article at the link

27.06.2015>> WaterScape: Exhibition at Farm Cultural Park

Waterscape-locandina-1 On 27 june 2015, during the party of the fifth birthday of the art gallery Farm Cultural Park, will be open the anticipation of the exhibition of the projects of AutonomeForme Paesaggi Resilienti | WaterScape | La forma dell’acqua (Resilient Landscapes | Waterscape | The water’s shape).The exhibition will start at 21.00 in the spaces of the Sette Cortili / Farm Cultural Park / Favara.The exhibition Paesaggi Resilienti | WaterScape | La forma dell’acqua is an overview on the work of research and project  that the architectural office AutonomeForme is leading since 1998 about the ZTA (Temporarily Abandon Zone) and the Resilient Landscapes. Starting from 1998 AutonomeForme has elaborated several projects for the redevelopment of waterfronts and brownfields in differents cities of the Mediterranean. In this exhibition will be present the projects developed for Palermo, Catania, Messina, Napoli and Venezia.



mash_up_cop_presstletter-Copia Marco Scarpinato and Lucia Pierro of the architectural office AutonomeForme are invited at the five edition of the appointment Architects meet in Selinunte + Summer School 2015_MASH UP organized in Castelvetrano-Selinunte from days 7 to 14 june 2015 with several activities as workshop, exhibitions and lectures.

Two are the lectures that will involve AutonomeForme:

  • 11 june | Marco Scarpinato will take part at the conference “Architecture in Sicily” and will present the phase 2 of the project “Paesaggi Resilienti: The natural and anthropic park in Saline Joniche“.
  • 12 june | Lucia Pierro will partecipate at the conference “The protagonists of architecture: 35 portraits and one mosaic multiple perspectives on the point of view of women in architecture” and will present the recent completed work in Palermo with the addition and restoring of Palazzo Greco.



TopOfTheWeek The project of Expansion and Restoration of Palazzo Greco, developed by AutonomeForme (Marco Scarpinato and Lucia Pierro) in the Kalsa district in the historical center of Palermo is the Top Favorites of the Week on the webmagazine Divisare.

Enjoy the project at the link

09.05.2015 >> AutonomeForme in Reggio Calabria

20150509_ReggioCalabria copia AutonomeForme is invited at the public meeting “Dal caso Saline Joniche ad una città metropolitana sostenibile” (From the case of Saline Joniche to a sustainable metropolitan city) to presents the first and second step of its project for the “Natural and Anthropic in Saline Joniche”.
This public meeting is organized by the Coordinamento Associazioni Area Grecanica (Coordination of Associations Area Grecanica) at the end of the national tour of Retenergie and will be an opportunity to talk about the sustainable future of Saline Joniche without the wrong project of the Coal Plant.
The meeting will be on May 9 in the Sala Calipari at the Palazzo della Regione Calabria in Reggio Calabria.

More informations at the link

06.03.2015>> The project of Palazzo Greco is published on Domus

PalaGreco-Domus After completion of the Palazzo Greco project in Palermo the architecture firm AutonomeForme is published on DomusWeb.The restoration by AutonomeForme, in Palermo, is based on a dialogue between the historical buildings, the new architecture and the landscape design, exalting the historical layers.View link 

25.02.2015 >> The project Palazzo Greco by AutonomeForme is published on Archipendium

Archipendium-Unita After completion of the Palazzo Greco project in Palermo the architecture firm AutonomeForme has been selected by Archipendium – Berlin to represent Italy and the world’s most innovative architecture. Others who have been selected include: MVRDV, J. Mayer.H, Tekuto, Alles Wird Gut, Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects and Behnisch Architekten!

View link

Profile of the team


HolcimLight On 28 January 2015 Lucia Pierro and Marco Scarpinato of AutonomeForme, Italian winner of the Holcim Awards, are the guests at the Salon of Honor in La Triennale di Milano during the event titled “Faccia a faccia con i vincitori italiani” (Face to face with the Italian winners) organized by the Holcim Foundation to talk about sustainable architecture.The event was opened by Kaspar E.A. Wenger, Holcim Area Manager Central Europe and the CEO Holcim (Italy). Following intervenes Edward Schwarz, General Manager of the Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction.

The central part of the event at the Grand Salon of La Triennale di Milano is dedicated to Italian winners of the fourth edition of the Holcim Awards for Sustainable Construction. Speakers Marco Scarpinato and Lucia Pierro of AutonomeForme, Palermo with the moderation of Fiore De Letter, Director of

More informations at the link


29.12.2014>> Scuole Italiane on Costruire in Laterizio

The cover of the magazine “Costruire in Laterizio“, issue 160 December 2014, is dedicated to the school complex built in Rome designed by Herman Hertzberger and Marco Scarpinato with the collaboration of AutonomeForme.

This new issue of the magazine “Costruire in Laterizio”, entitled Scuole Italiane (Italian School), is entirely devoted to schools in Italy and contains an article on the school in Rome designed by Herman Hertzberger and Marco Scarpinato.

More informations about the magazine “Costruire in Laterizio” visiting this link


17.12.2014 >> Monastir: Marco Scarpinato present the second step of the project SaMo Lab

The second appointment SaMo Lab will be held on Wednesday, December 17 with the architect Marco Scarpinato of the italian office AutonomeForme Italy to present the second  step of the project SaMo Lab elaborated by Marco Scarpinato and AutonomeForme with the objective to safeguarding and expanding the Salines in Monastir.
The laboratory SaMo Lab began in 2013 to respond at the demands of the inhabitants of Monastir to meet their commitment to protect the extraordinary landscape of the Salinas and the coast of Monastir.Le deuxième rendez-vous de SaMo Lab se tiendra mercredi 17 décembre avec l’architecte Marco Scarpinato de l’atelier AutonomeForme·Italie pour présenter la deuxième étape d’avancement du projet pour la sauvegarde et l’agrandissement des Salines de Monastir.
Le laboratoire SaMo Lab a débuté en 2013 ò la demande des habitants de Monastir pour répondre à leur volonté de protéger le paysage extraordinaire des Salines et de la côte de Monastir.

13.12.2015 >> Saline Joniche on Architecture d’Aujourd’hui

We have the pleasure to announce that the project for the waterfront in Saline Joniche is now published in the special issue of L’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui.

Transforming attitudes to sustainability – A special issue of ‘A’A’ L’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui features selected Holcim Awards winners that look beyond architectural design to focus on economic, social and environmental performance. The 21 projects were selected and appraised by the Executive Editor and publisher of ‘A’A’, Antoine Vernholes, and architecture and design critic for the Financial Times, Edwin Heathcote.

Enjoy reading it using this link

Download the issue using this link

More informations about this publication and the Holcim Foundation at this link

13.12.2014 >> Saline Joniche on IoArch

In the issue of the magazine IoArch 56 Nov_Dec 2014 you can find an interesting article about AutonomeForme and the project for the riqualification and evaluation of the waterfront in Saline Joniche.
Enjoy reading it using this link



The day December 12, 2012 AutonomeForme is invited in Reggio Calabria to the workshop “L’orto incolto” to hold the seminar “Strategies and processes to reactivate resilient landscapes”.The term resilience (from Latin: resilire) comes from metallurgy and indicates the breaking strength of a material and, more generally, the ability to face and overcome adversity. Applied to the landscape, the term resilience describes the ability of an ecosystem natural and human to restore a new equilibrium condition following an intervention of external disturbance. The definition of new strategies and processes to reactivate landscapes resilient allows you to connect the characteristics of the site, the program and the demands of the people, in order to develop projects in which the size of natural and man-made can co-evolve reducing the vulnerability of the landscape and building new development scenarios based on a synergistic relationship between man and nature.

The Workshop “L’orto incolto” is focussed on urban agriculture and is promoted by SUDARCH in collaboration with the Ecolandia Park, under the european project “The Garden of Calypso” made in collaboration with the Academy of Fine Arts and the Music Conservatory of Reggio Calabria, with the sponsorship of the Order of Architects and Engineers of Reggio Calabria, the association Italia Nostra of Reggio Calabria, the Department of Agriculture of the University of Reggio Calabria, the Innovation Pole Net – Nature Energy and Territory, with the partecipation of the AIAPP section Campania, Basilicata and Calabria and with the technical partnership of and

More informations at the link



14.11.2014 >> Milano UrbanPromo: Saline Joniche’s Waterfront won the prize Urbanistica 2014

We have the pleasure to announce that the project for the Anthropic and Natural park in the waterfont of Saline Joniche won the prize Urbanistica 2014.
The Province of Reggio Calabria takes this prize for the organization of the international competition for the redevelopment of the Saline Joniche’s waterfront. The award ceremony took place at the Milan Triennale during the event UrbanPromo 2014. This winning project, developed by AutonomeForme with international consultants, aims to re-naturalise the area damaged by the presence of several industrial brownfields.

More informations about the project at the link

More informations about UrbanPromo at the link

More informations about the winners at the link

11.11.2014 >> Tunis: EXHIBITION of the project Palermo BlueCycle

We have the pleasure to announce that starting from 11 november 2014 at the ENAU of Tunis will be organized the  the exhibition “Palermo BlueCycle” a project for the waterfront of the Palermo’s South coast developed by Marco Scarpinato / AutonomeForme with the students of the ENAU/Ama-Umran Laboratory.The projecy was developped in Palermo during the International Workshop Re-Cycle Italy / PmoReverse | Hyper-Cycling South Coast | New Urban Metabolism.

17.11.2014 >> Venezia: Prize AGIBILE E BELLA by the MiBACT

We have the pleasure to announce that the project for the new School Complex in Rome developed by Marco Scarpinato and AutonomeForme with Herman Hertzberger won a prize in the contest AGIbiLE E BELLA | architetture di qualità per la qualità delle scuole.According the jury, the new School Complex in Rome received this prize as one of the best 10 schools realized in Italy in the last twenty years.

This contest AGIbiLE E BELLA was launched by the MiBACT (Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism – General Directorate PaBAAC – Service for Architecture and Contemporary Art) with the MiUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research).

The event AGIbiLE E BELLA is part of institutional Initiatives of the Venice Biennale at the MiBACT in 2014, in Conjunction with the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, and is organized in collaboration with IN / ARCH.

For more informations about this contest visit the link

For the gallery of the prize visit the link

17.10.2014 >> Venezia: Exhibition AGIbiLE E BELLA | architetture di qualità per la qualità delle scuole

We have the pleasure to announce that the Exhibition AGIbiLE E BELLA | architetture di qualità per la qualità delle scuole will be open from 17 october 2014 in Palazzo Grimani in Venice. As as one of the best 10 schools realized in Italy in the last twenty years, the project for the new School Complex in Rome developed by Marco Scarpinato and AutonomeForme with Herman Hertzberger is part of this exhibition.AGIbiLE E BELLA was launched by the MiBACT (Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism – General Directorate PaBAAC – Service for Architecture and Contemporary Art) with the MiUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research) and is organized in collaboration with IN / ARCH.

The event AGIbiLE E BELLA is part of institutional Initiatives of the Venice Biennale at the MiBACT in 2014, in Conjunction with the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

The finissage of the Exhibition will take place on 23 november 2014.

More informations about this event at the link

For the gallery of the Exhibition visit the link

22.09.2014>> Prize romArchitettura5


We have the pleasure to announce that the Integrated Complex School Romanina in Rome, disegned by the Herman Hertzberger + Marco Scarpinato with the collaboration of AutonomeForme was mentioned in the prize romArchitettura5 for the section “Prize for a New building“.

The jury was composed by Giancarlo Goretti, Livio Sacchi, Luca Zevi, Francesco Ruperto, Massimo Locci (as coordinator of the prize) and Claudio Betti.

The ceremony of the prize is on 22 september at 6 P.M. at the Casa dell’Architettura in Rome.

The prize romArchitettura5 is focused on the evaluation of the contemporary architecture in Lazio and is organized by: InArch Lazio, Ance Roma Acer, Ance Lazio-Urcel and Ordine Architetti Pianificatori Paaesaggisti e Conservatori di Roma e Provincia

More informations at the link


14-18.09.2014 >> Favara: workshop OasiFarm at the Farm Cultural Park

We are pleased to announce that AutonomeForme | Architecture | Landscape | Design and Farm Cultural Park September from 14 to 18 organized the workshop OasiFarm: #CostruireOasi | # RiabitareCittà.

The workshop OasiFarm is conceived and directed by Marco Scarpinato with the participation of architects and architecture students from Tunis.

During the workshop OasiFarm the participants will develop the project for the construction of an oasis in the garden of the seven courtyards Farm Cultural Park. The idea is to transform the garden of Farm Cultural Park in a small oasis, a symbol of the Arab tradition that can become a small Embassy Cultural and a bridge between Sicily and the Maghreb countries.

05.09.2014 >> Moscow: GOLD MEDAL OF THE HOLCIM PRIZE 2014 – EUROPE

We have the pleasure to announce that the team of AutonomeForme is Gold Medal at the Holcim Prize 2014 – Region Europe. The award ceremony was held in Moscow on 5 september 2014.

Due its bold philosophical posture, the Gold Medal is for the project of an ecological reserve and remediation project in Saline Joniche (Italy). The strategy of this project was developed by AutonomeForme with italian and french consultants and with the spanish team of Grupoarane. In the project for Saline Joniche the team integrate the process of restoration in an area that has been degraded during the industrial age. The shape-shifting ecosystem generates a flooded landscape filled with flora and fauna, with a special focus on migrating birds.

The winning projects of the Holcim Awards 2014 for Europe illustrate how sustainable construction continues to evolve – developing more sophisticated and multi-disciplinary responses to the challenges facing the building and construction industry. A jury of international experts led by Jean-Philippe Vassal (France) selected the winners using the “target issues” for sustainable construction that consider environmental, social and economic performance – while also highlighting the need for architectural excellence and a high degree of transferability.

More information at the link

22.08.2014 >> Favara: Architecture New for landscapes meeting at the Farm Cultural Park

AutonomeForme held a conference entitled Architettura per Nuovi Paesaggi / Architecture New for Landscapes at the art gallery and artist residency Farm Cultural Park.The meeting is for August 22, 2014 and will start at 20 PM.For more information visit the link


AutonomeForme is invited to take part at the fourth International MeetingArchitects meet in Selinunte_OFF” organized by the AIAC – Associazione Italiana di Architettura e Critica and by the digital revue presS/TFactory.

The meeting will take place on 27-28-29 Giugno 2014 in the historical town of Castelvetrano close to the archeological park of Selinunte (Trapani).

On the 28 june AutonomeForme will talk at the conference “Working Abroad” focussed on the work’s experience in international contexts of some selected italian architectural offices by the AIAC – Associazione Italiana di Architettura e Critica and by the digital revue presS/TFactory.

For more informations visit the link


AutonomeForme is invited as tutor at the International Workshop of urban and landscape design UN PONTE TRA LE CULTURE: DALLA POLIS ALLA CIVITAS / A bridge between cultures : from the polis to the civitas.

The workshop is focussed on the redesign, rehabilitation and revaluation of seven abandoned areas of the historical center of Ragusa in order to create new urban places for the intercultural dialogue between different communities.


The International Workshop UN PONTE TRA LE CULTURE: DALLA POLIS ALLA CIVITAS will take place in Ragusa by 16 to 21 june.

for more information visit this link

18.06.2014 >> Catania: The Alcantara’s landscapes / I paesaggi dell’Alcantara

Was just published the book “I paesaggi dell’Alcantara”, edited by Maggioli Editore and curated by Sebastiano D’Urso.This book contains the results of the Alcantara Workshop 2013 and collects the studies, projects and knowledge gained during this first experience that involved several architects, landscape designers and students.

Marco Scarpinato/AutonomeForme was invited in the Alcantara Workshop 2013 as architect and landscape designer.

In the book “I paesaggi dell’Alcantara” is published a text by Marco Scarpinato titled “Paesaggio: Architettura del Contemporaneo” and the project that Marco Scarpinato have developed with the architectural office Giovanni Fiamingo– NextBuild with the aim to redevelop and enhance the Alcantara’s landscape.

The first public presentation of the book will take place on 18 june at 17.30 P.M. in the University of Catania.
More informations about the book visiting this link


AutonomeForme is pleased to announce that Marco Scarpinato and Lucia Pierro will take part as professor at the workshop Il parco della valle del fiume Oreto/ The park of the valley of the Oreto’s river organized by the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Palermo at the the eco-urban museum of Palermo MareMemoriaViva.


The day of April 10, 2014 at 19:00 in the space Opificio 137 in Milan opens the exhibition ARCHITETTURA PER NUOVI PAESAGGI: progetti per le nuove aree metropolitane. It presents a selection of projects in medium and large -scale with a strong relationship between architecture and landscape that was processed by AutonomeForme and Centro Stile Milano  in the last three years on the occasion of international design competitions.In these works the zoom scale and transitions between architecture and landscape allow the analysis of local realities at different scales of intervention leading to innovative design solutions and appropriate to the context.ARCHITETTURA PER NUOVI PAESAGGI: progetti per le nuove aree metropolitane shows five projects in which the relationship between the architecture and the landscape is the means to define new centers , places of contemporary art and transformation :
• The City of the Sun: plans for the Strait area and the area of the Volcano
• Define the limits of the North Metropolitan Area
• Urban Landscapes : a new center for sports and leisure The exhibition ARCHITETTURA PER NUOVI PAESAGGI will be on open until April 18 at the following times 10:00 to 12:00 | 16:00 to 19:00

01.01.2014 > AutonomeForme is published on Archipendium 2014

We are pleased to announce that AutonomeForme is published on ARCHIPENDIUM 2014 by Archimappublishers and ArchDaily.This publication provides an overview of the most fascinating modern developments in contemporary architecture. Each project exemplifies the efforts of architects and designers to make life better and more sustainable.

This 365 tear-off calendar a great reminder of daily production that make life in our cities possible. Each page is package with information about the project. A photograph, a description and a drawing. Altogether 365 different architectural offices are featured, among others Chaix & Morel, COOP HIMMELB(L)AU, Daniel Libeskind, Graft, J. Mayer H., King Kong,Sasaki Associates and West 8. In order to get an authentic overview of modern architecture the architects found themselves faced with the choice of projects and contents. With a preface by Cino Zucchi.

For more informations see the link

02.01.2014 >> Publication inside the book Un parco in città

We have the pleasure to announce that the project of AutonomeForme for the Urban park in the Area Riva in Avigliana is published in the book Un parco in città.

The park is designed by AutonomeForme as a “green heart” that sews the agricultural space of Area Riva with the square of the People and with the old medieval city center of Avigliana.

The book Un parco in città presents the winning projects selected by the jury of the international competition held in 2011 by the City of Avigliana and an interview with Tilman Latz, German architect and urban planner that was part of the jury of the international competition.

22.11.2013>> bio tHree | paesaggio, bellezza, creatività

AutonomeForme is invited as speaker at the manifestation Bio tHree “Paesaggio, Bellezza, Creatività”, that will take place from 22 to 24 november 2013 inside the monumental of Palazzo Steri in Palermo.

The manifestation is organized by Korai – Territorio, Sviluppo e Cultura and is sponsored by: Commissione Nazionale Italiana per l’UNESCO; INU – Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica; Città di Palermo; Università degli Studi di Palermo; ARPA Sicilia; Ordine dei Dottori Agronomi e dei Dottori Forestali della Provincia di Palermo; Ordine degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori della Provincia di Palermo; Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Palermo; Ordine Regionale dei Geologi di Sicilia; Italia Nostra; Legambiente Sicilia; FAI Delegazione Palermo, WWF, AISA: Ass.italiana studenti di architettura; AIPIN: Ass.italiana per la ingegneria naturalistica. In Collaborazione con: Università degli Studi di Palermo; Rete Museale e Naturale Belicina; Associazione VAS Sicilia – Verdi Ambiente e Società onlus; Cooperativa Silene; Comitato ParteciPAlermo; Associazione Marevivo; Campagna e Vitale Avvocati associati; Studio Benanti di Ingegneria; LAMB – Libera Accademia Medicina Biologica; Codifas; Slow Food Palermo; Ass.Fiori d’acciaio; Fondazione Marisa Bellisario; Associazione Culturale Xbene; Resapubblica; Informamuse.

More informations at the link

20.10.2013 > Storia dell’architettura italiana.1985-2015

The work of AutonomeForme is published on the book “Storia dell’architettura italiana.1985-2015″ written by Marco Biraghi and Silvia Micheli and published by Giulio Einaudi Editore (ISBN 9788806207021).
For more information visit the link

21.09.2013 > Deserti tascabili | Désert de poche

The project Désert de poche: DJ Complex : DJ House + DJ Center is a new project developped in Tunisia by Marco Scarpinato/AutonomeForme. It is a complex composed by the DJ House (a private villa with residencies) and by a DJ Center (a center for Poetry and Digital Arts of the Mediterranean Islands).

07.08.2013 > Archistar di Sicilia

We are pleased to announce that on 7 Agoust 2013 the work of AutonomeForme is published on the newspaper La Repubblica in the article “Archistar di Sicilia” written by Paola Nicita.The article “Archistar di Sicilia” It is a portrait of a generation of forty-age architects who have studied in Sicily and that now are developping their projects in several places of the world and winning international prizes and awards.

08.07.2013 > Presentation of Sicilia: Paesaggio | Città  | Arte | Cultura

We are pleased to announce that on 8 July 2013 in the space of the Cavallerizza di Palazzo Sambuca will be presented the special issue Sicilia: Paesaggio | Città  | Arte | Cultura of the architectural magazine IO Arch.The meeting will be introduced and moderated by:
- Lucia Pierro, architect of AutonomeForme
and will take part:
- Roberto Collovà , architect
- Sonia Politi and Antonio Morlacchi, editorial board of IO Arch
- Marco Giammona, engineer and president of Fondazione Sambuca
- Iano Monaco, architect

With the goal of making a reflection on the condition of contemporary architecture in Sicily are also planned interventions by the designers and guests that will take part in this presentation. The architectural magazine IO Arch is available on paper and also in digital version. You can read the digital version of the special issue Sicilia: Paesaggio | Città  | Arte | Cultura on this link

30.06.2013 > The AutonomeForme’s projects are published on the architectural magazine IO Arch

We are pleased to announce that the project “Palermo – Al-halisah” designed by AutonomeForme are published the architectural magazine IO Arch number 48 – May/June 2013. You can read more informations about the AutonomeForme’s projects “Palermo – Al-halisah” on this link

This issue, called “Sicilia – Paesaggio | Città  | Arte | Cultura“, is completly focussed on the discover of the best architectural offices based in Sicily. The key of this special issue is: “We were looking for a region, we found a nation, with a lot of diversity difficult to synthesize, which we leave to tell the designers that have accompanied us in this exploration. One thing is certain: yesterday and today, the Sicilian architecture can not be conceived without knowing the energy and pride of the Sicilians. The same pride that, after the earthquake of 1693, led to the reconstruction of the fragile buildings with facades of stone like sails challenged with pride every other storm of earth the gods had wanted to provoke. Goethe was right: Italy is nothing without Sicily”. More informations about this issue on this link

The architectural magazine IO Arch is available on paper and also in digital version. You can read the digital version of the number 48 – May/June 2013 of IO Arch on this link



We are pleased to announce that on 22 June 2013 at 19.30 AutonomeForme will take part at the first appointment of INCONTRI DI ARCHITETTURA/MEETINGS OF ARCHITECTURE is an event organized by the Fondazione ARCH and the Ordine degli Architetti PPC della Provincia di Ragusa. INCONTRI DI ARCHITETTURA/MEETINGS OF ARCHITECTURE is a series of talks with some of the protagonists of contemporary national and international architecture designed to disclose the role of quality in the development of society.
The first meeting is with the offices:
- AutonomeForme | Palermo
- On Site Studio | Milan
- Barozzi / Veiga | Barcelona
- Baukuh | Genoa-Milan
The opening appointement is organized in the occasion of the Vittoria Jazz Festival and will be on the Courtyard of the old Power Station in Vittoria.

29.01.2013 > Exhibition and award ceremony of the competition in Saline Joniche

We are pleased to announce that on Tuesday, 29 January 2013, at 10:00 will start the exhibition of the projects elaborated for the partecipation at the International Competition for the “REHABILITATION OF THE WATERFRONT OF SALINE JONICHE AND THE DESIGN OF A NEW PARK“. In the same day will take place the award ceremony of the competition that was won by AutonomeForme – Marco Scarpinato (team leader) and Lucia Pierro – with the collaboration of Grupo aranea and other italian consultants.

For more informations see the link

10:12:2012 > Rehabilitation of the Waterfront of Saline Joniche and the design of a new park

We are pleased to announce that the project for the Rehabilitation of the Waterfront of Saline Joniche and the design of a new park, designed by AutonomeForme (Marco Scarpinato and Lucia Pierro) in partnership with the spanish team Grupo Aranea and winner of the first prize at the international competition is published in the new issue of Il Giornale dell’Architettura n. 111 december

20:11:2012 > Il progetto della memoria / The memory project

Palermo – Al-halisah | EffettoMetropolitano a project developed by AutonomeForme | Architects and Landscape Designers [Marco Scarpinato team leader] is published in the new book edited by Maria Grazia Leonardi “Il progetto della memoria/The memory project” Gangemi Editore (ISBN 9788849224962).
The book is focussed on architectural and environmental cases and strategies for the enhancement of historical monumental heritage sites and contains an essay written by Lucia Pierro and Marco Scarpinato on this issue. The book is in italian and english and is published on paper and in ebook.More informations on the link

15:11:2012 > INFRASTRUCTURBAN on l’ARCA international

MedMobFarm designed by AutonomeForme as part of the project research INFRASTRUCTURBAN® is published on the international magazine of architecture, design and visual communication l’ARCA n. 109, novembre/dicembre 2012.
INFRASTRUCTURBAN® is a project coordinated by the team AUFO which involves ten international team on the design of a bridge-city for 10 milions of inhabitants connecting between Marsala and Kelibia.

05:11:2012 > First Prize in the competition for the design of the Waterfront of Saline Joniche

AutonomeForme (Marco Scarpinato and Lucia Pierro) in partnership with the spanish team Grupo Aranea won the first prize at the international competition for the Rehabilitation of the Waterfront of Saline Joniche and the design of a new park.

20:10:2012 > Inchiesta: Palermo. Da paese a città 

On the magazine Giornale dell’Architettura n. 109 – October 2012 is published the essay Inchiesta: Palermo. Da paese a città by Marco Scarpinato and Lucia Pierro. Together with a text of the authors, in the investigation are interviews of authors to Leoluca Orlando, mayor of Palermo, to architect Gae Aulenti and to Tullio Giuffré, responsible of the city planning and mobility; a conversation with the writer Giorgio Vasta; texts of Fanny Bouquerel (Institut d’études européennes, Université Paris Huit) and Daniela Ciaffi (Università  di Palermo) and photos of the photographer Lucia Re. In the online section of the magazine is also published a text by Clelia Bartoli with the photos of the photographer Mario Spada. The magazine Giornale dell’Architettura is distributed in bookstores and newsstands and can be purchased on line through the following link on EzPress

04:10:2012 > The school complex in Rome on Domus

The magazine Domus publishes an article on the web dedicated to the new Integrated School Complex in Rome designed by Herman Hertzberger and Marco Scarpinato in collaboration with AutonomeForme.

To read the article go to the link


28:09:2012 > Presentation of the School Complex Integrated in Rome

The day September 28, 2012 at 10:00 am in the Auditorium of the Comprehensive Institute sited in Via Raffaello in Capogrossi n. 23 in Rome will host the presentation of the School Complex Integrated Romanina in Rome.

The building will be presented by two architect designers Herman Herzberger and Marco Scarpinato who have developed the project as a result of winning the design competition in two phases “Three New Schools in Rome”, organized by the Municipality of Rome. The project is developed with the collaboration of AutonomeForme.

The meeting is organized by the Departments of Architecture of the University La Sapienza and Roma Tre and RomaCapitale.

More information on Casabellaweb

28:09:2012 > Presentation of the School Complex Integrated in Rome

The day September 28, 2012 at 10:00 am in the Auditorium of the Comprehensive Institute sited in Via Raffaello in Capogrossi n. 23 in Rome will host the presentation of the School Complex Integrated Romanina in Rome.

The building will be presented by two architect designers Herman Herzberger and Marco Scarpinato who have developed the project as a result of winning the design competition in two phases “Three New Schools in Rome”, organized by the Municipality of Rome. The project is developed with the collaboration of AutonomeForme.

The meeting is organized by the Departments of Architecture of the University La Sapienza and Roma Tre and RomaCapitale.

04:07:2012 > INFRASTRUCTURBAN | opening exhibition

MedMobFarm a project of AutonomeForme will be show at the exhibition INFRASTRUCTURBAN®
Opening of the exhibition on 4 July 2012, at the Isisuf – Institute of International Studies on Futurism in Milan with a round table (18.30 pm) in wich participates: Marco Biraghi (architectural historian, Politecnico di Milano), Cesare Maria Casati (architect, Director magazine L’Arca), Ernesto Alfonso (architect, Director of the magazine ARCdueCITTà), Lorenzo degli Espositi (architect, director AUFO), Gianni Pettena (artist, architect).
The opening the exhibition is at 20.00.
More info at the link


AutonomeForme | architects and landscape designers with Melluso Architettura partecipated at the International Competition MERCADO DE LA LAGUNA for the design of the new Market in the city of San Cristobal de La Laguna in Tenerife.

19:05:2012 > WORKSHOP IN/ARCH SICILIA 2012

AutonomeForme | architects and landscape designers has been selected to participate in the architectural design workshop organized by Inarch Sicilia with ANCE of Catania in order to redesign the house of the School of Builders and CPT in Catania. The design team is composed by AutonomeForme (Marco Scarpinato team leader) in partnership with the Spanish office Eddea arquitectura y urbanismo.


AutonomeForme and Eddea Arquitectura y Urbanismo are involved in the partecipation in the workshop In/Arch Sicilia 2012 focused in the project of the School for construction workers and of the CPT in Catania.

More information at the link

Download the program of the workshop


22-28:04:2012 | Archè > constructional cultural assets in the vocational education and training

AutonomeForme partecipates with Send at the project Archè constructional cultural assets in the vocational education and training organized within of the European Program LLP, Life Long Learning, Leonardo da Vinci TOI. AutonomeForme has developed the theme of the restauration and of the intersection of contemporary architecture in historic centers.
More information about the project at the link
More information about Send at the link


AutonomeForme is pleased to announce that Marco Scarpinato partecipated at the shortworkshop I tre paesaggi della conca d’oro organized at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Palermo.


AutonomeForme is pleased to announce that the construction of the project for a “New Centrality in Rome: Urban Park and New School Complex Integrated of Romanina“, designed by Marco Scarpinato and Herman Hertzberger, is completed.

For more information about the project visit the link

20:02:2012 | AUTONOMEFORME > New Centrality in Rome: School Complex Integrated of Romanina

AutonomeForme is pleased to announce that the project for a “New Centrality in Rome: Urban Park and New School Complex Integrated of Romanina“, designed by Marco Scarpinato and Herman Hertzberger, is published in the new issue of Il Giornale dell’Architettura n. 103 – marchVisit the web site of the Il Giornale dell’Architettura using the link

It is possible to buy the new issue on paper or on digital version using this link




AutonomeForme is pleased to announce that on 25th January 2012, Francesco Profumo, Minister of Education and Scientific Research of the Italian Government, visits the School Complex Integrated Romanina in Rome designed by Marco Scarpinato and Herman Hertzberger. During the visit, Francesco Profumo, speaking of the need for innovation in schools in Italy has stressed that the building is an innovative model to be imitated in the rest of Italybecause it is a modern, cutting edge and includes a large gym, a canteen, a park and auditorium open to the people of the neighborhood. This means that the school will be open to the entire city and will be a place of encounter and exchange even in non-school hours.
The project of the School Complex Integrated Romanina, now become a reality, complies with European standards and will soon be available to the inhabitants of the area.
For more information about the project visit the link

20:12:2011 | AUTONOMEFORME > URUK 0.3 issue 4

AutonomeForme is pleased to announce the fourth issue of the magazine URUK | overview on architecture. Marco Scarpinato is the deputy director of this publication and the team of AutonomeForme is the editorial partner of URUK.

visit the web site of Uruk

download the issue Uruk 0.3

17:12:2011 | AutonomeForme > Palermo Under Attack

AutonomeForme participates in “Palermo Under Attack” the great festival of contemporary art organized by Farm Cultural Park on Saturday, December 17, 2011 at Palazzo Steri in Palermo.
Go to the page

05:10:2011 | Streaming live of Paesaggio 150 congress

The national congress on landscape issues is in streaming live on AF broadcast channel. AutonomeForme with URUK mag is media partner of the event.

Go to the microsite

16:09:2011 | Center for Biotechnology and Biomedical Research of Foundation Ri.MED

The team formed by AutonomeForme, Eddea Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Nightingale Architects Ltd, JG Ingegneros and Ramboll designed the Center for Biotechnology and Biomedical Research of Foundation Ri.MED in Carini-Palermo

22:07:2011 | The office has been shortlisted to the second stage for the Messina waterfront competition


AutonomeForme has been shortlisted to the second stage of the competition to redesign the new waterfront of Messina.

Go to the page

17:07:2011 | Special mention for the Avigliana urban park competition

AutonomeForme obtained a special mention for the Avigliana urban park.

Go to the project

10:08:2011 | Intersections book

The project for the San Nullo Station in Catania, developed from Marco Scarpinato | AutonomeForme and Kengo Kuma during the International Workshop of Architecture and Urban Design 2010 “Intersections” is published in the book “Intersections. Dalla metro alla metropoli sette occasioni per fare città “.

Go to the web site

27:06:2011 | The architectural tour of Italy: Sicily, interpreti di una nuova stagione


AutonomeForme is one of the best sicilian office of architecture that is published in the new issue of Ottagono.
AutonomeForme participates in “The architectural tour of Italy: Sicily, interpreti di una nuova stagione,” organized to present the new issue of the magazine Ottagono as part of In/Arch di Lunedì in Sicilia in the gardens of Villa Zingali Tetto in Catania. Will take part at the meeting: Porto Franco – President of In / Arch Sicilia, Alessandra Bergamini – editor of the magazine Ottagono, and Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi – architecture critic.
Go to the page of Ottagono

20:06:2011 | AutonomeForme is published in the new issue of Ottagono


AutonomeForme is one of the best sicilian office of architecture that is published in the new issue of Ottagono.
Download the article

24:06:2011 | AutonomeForme with AUFO project at FARM Cultural Park

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